Jacqueline Brito

Jacqueline Brito has spent sixteen years in industry and fourteen years in senior- level academic administration, coaching, consulting and teaching positions. Included in Jackie’s diverse experiences is work in recruitment, marketing, and career development at Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business in Winter Park, Florida; HR consultant at the Chicago Tribune’s Orlando Sentinel, a multimedia communications company; and internal audit and planning for the Orlando International Airport and the Birmingham International Airport Authority.

Her professional experience also includes healthcare administration and banking.

In both academic and industry conference settings, Jackie has facilitated graduate-level courses in executive education, MBA and Masters of Human Resources (MHR) programs and business application training in the areas of organizational behavior, balanced scorecard, human resource management, beyond diversity to talent engagement, legally defensible interviews, employee relations/positive employee relations, and recruitment, selection and retention.

Jackie’s articles on topics such as Building a Strategic Pipeline: 5 Ways to Win the War for Talent, Salary Negotiation and Women: Putting an End to the Gender Wage Gap, Could a Strong Work Ethic Hurt your Leadership Style?, The Best Hires Make the Best Admits, A Simple Résumé Update Could Result in a Higher MBA Salary, MBA Programs and Your Career: From the Cubicle to the Corner Office, and Needs vs. Wants have been published both domestically and internationally. She holds a BA in Organizational Behavior and MA in Human Resource Management.